Be Kynd To Yourself 101

Be Kynd To Yourself 101

I’m going to be really honest as I pledged I would be throughout this blog.  I spent most of my life being unhappy.  And I knew I was unhappy but never did anything to change that.  There are a million and one resources out there that tell you how to find happiness.  But none of them will show you how to be happy.  Being happy is a very personal thing.  What works for one person may not work for another, a great rule of thumb to live by.

I can only speak for myself and the steps I took to find my happiness, but I’ll let you in on a little secret:  Happiness is found from within.  Que the eye-rolling.

I know, I know, how cliche, right?  But it’s the truth.  Happiness comes from within.  So how did I find happiness within?

Being able to admit that you’re unhappy and asking yourself why you’re unhappy is a fantastic start.  Now the hard part: dealing with yourself.  Although the processes may differ, we're all like onions with layers and layers of "stuff".  We have to peel back those layers one by one, and in pulling back each layer we start to see our true self.  We start to deal with our true self.

Yoga and Meditation are the fingers that are going to help you to pull back those layers.  They are the gateways to looking within.  They are going to help you find your self, to love your self, to be happy with your self.

It is important to remember, that we all have our issues in life.  Some people are just better at hiding it than others.  We all could stand to be a little kinder to ourselves and to those around us.

If you really really want to make a change you’ll find a way to do it.  You either do something about it or you don’t.  But the only way to make a change is to do something different.  And it’s as simple as that.

I am so grateful for you stopping by and taking the time to read my 2nd blog post!  Please feel free to send me a message with a story or an idea or a comment.

Be Kynd,


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